# 年会会议议程 發布需要以下資訊: 發布順序:網站 -> https://lu.ma/ -> 公眾號 會議主旨 日程(時間、地點) 參與方式 主題演講者介紹 side events / popup city 合作單位簡介1` `` (所有內容期程,以INS網站為準) 地图地址:ห้องประชุม 1 ภาควิชาวิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์ คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ # The 9th Annual Conference of Network Society (2024) **"Polyphonic Global South:The Spaces of Technological Communication"** The dependence on a North/Center narrative shaped by technological power has reduced the Global South to a singular story, consolidating a predetermined phenomenon while conveniently overlooking evident tensions, subtle complexities, and inconsistent simultaneities. The result is a form of chronic poverty. The concept of digital inequality fails to capture the stark reality of adverse digital incorporation. After eight years of theoretical and practical inquiry at the Network Society Annual Conference, we now seek to break free from past theoretical and ideological habits. This year’s conference, themed “**Polyphonic Global South: Spaces of Technological Communication**,” will explore the intricate trajectories of how technological communication evolves in the Global South under the dual pressures of globalization and localization. **Polyphony** illustrates the dynamic diversity of technological processes arising from various cultural, economic, and social contexts. **Technological communication** refers to the transmission, transfer, and mutual influence of technology from its point of origin to other regions, a cross-regional flow marked by stories of domination and resistance. **Space** is not merely a geographical location but involves the embedding and reproduction of technology within social structures. **The Global South,** a term initially political and later economic, generally refers to regions and nations disadvantaged within the global economic system. These areas are recipients of high-tech products while providing cheap labor and raw materials. In other words, the Global South acts as both the primary labor force and the consumer base, sustaining the booming global digital economy while being shaped into the material and ideological space necessary for global capitalist production. This year’s conference will focus on Southeast Asia, exploring how technology is reciprocally tamed and reshaped, creating the digital world we live in today. The conference will explore the multidimensionality of technological communication through four thematic discussions. First panel, the Global South functions as both the manufacturing hub and the product of the “world factory.” Second penal, the connectivity provided by mobile communication and portable devices fosters diverse identities and community possibilities. Third panel, social media is transforming social relationships and economic models. The fourth panel, Web3, blockchain technologies, and AI are unveiling a new terrain where the people's aspirations for control over their own wealth clash with state desires to exert control over their citizens. Cryptocurrency holders are drawn to networked cities that escape governmental oversight, while nation-states vigorously pursue sovereign AI initiatives, creating a dynamic counterbalance. In this undulating terrain, those equipped with technological prowess will ascend to the peaks, while the disconnected will plunge into the depths. In an even more unsettling vision, humanity may ultimately become mere sustenance for AI, with the essence of what it means to be human cast aside in the relentless pursuit of future dreams. Nonetheless, the Global South stands as the region with the greatest potential to chart this new terrain of hope. 中文 以技術權力形成的北方/中心敘事依賴,使得全球南方成為單一故事,並鞏固了某種既定現象,而對明顯的緊張、細微的複雜和不一致的的同時性視而不見,導致了一種慢性貧困(chronic poverty)。數位不平等的說法無法掌握此種不利數位納入(adverse digital incorporation )的現實。經過八屆網絡社會年會對於理論與現實的探求,我們企圖擺脫以往理論與意識形態的習慣,本年會議將以「複音的全球南方:技術傳播的空間」為主題,探討全球南方的技術傳播過程在全球化與在地化的雙重張力下演變的複雜路徑。 **複音**說明在不同文化、經濟和社會背景下的技術動態多樣性。**技術傳播**指的是技術從發源地向其他地區傳遞、轉移以及互相影響的過程,這種跨地域流動充滿了宰制與反抗的故事。**空間**不僅指地理上的位置,更涉及技術在社會結構中的嵌入與再生產。**全球南方**作為一個先是政治,後為經濟的學術術語,通常指那些在全球經濟體系中處於相對劣勢的地區和國家,這些區域接受高技術成品的引入,同時提供便宜勞動力與物料,換句話說,它作為主要的勞動提供者與商品消費者,支撐了蓬勃的全球數位經濟,也被生產成符合全球資本生產結構中所需要的空間,一個物質的且意識形態的空間。本次會議將聚焦東南亞地區,探討技術如何在這些區域中相互馴服而有當今的數位星球樣貌。 會議將通過四個專題討論來深入技術傳播的多維度。首先,全球南方是製造的,以及被製造的"世界工廠";其次,移動通訊與可攜式設備的連接性建構了不同身份與的社群可能;第三,社會性媒體正在改變社會關係與經濟模式;最後,Web3與區塊鏈技術以及AI,浮現了一個新地形:人民對掌握自身財富的希望與國家政體控制人民的慾望同時加速。加密貨幣持有者所熱衷脫離國家控制的網絡城市,與每個國家都極力發展的國家主權式的AI布局,正形某種對冲的力量。 在這山壑起伏之中,擁有技術者將登上峰頂,而脫節者跌入谷底,或甚有之,人類最終只是AI的養分,而人道(humanity)成為未來夢想亟欲拋棄的本性。若非如此,全球南方是最有機會繪出此新地形圖之希望的區域。 ## November 7th 10:00-17:00: City Tour 17:00-18:00:Dinner Time ### Special Event 18:30-21:30: Popup City Theme Sharing |4seas ## November 8th ### Opening Remarks(开幕式) 8:10-8:30 Driector of INS Vice Dean of ICDI(Assoc.Prof.Dr.Somchai Sriyab) US head of GCC A Intro Film of Shenzhen ### Panel 1 : Manufacturing South(制造南方) Moderator: Doris 8:40-9:40 **Hongzhe Wang**| From Techno-Romanticism to Techno-Feudalism: A Comparative Historical Study of Early Information Societies in China and South Korea 9:40-10:40 **Meryna Lim**| Affect and Algorithms: Unpacking the Digital Heart of Social Media Politics (online) 10:40-11:40 **周篷岸** | Lajilao: Reusing to Source Affordable Electronics ### Panel 2 Mobile Connectivity(流动的联结性) Moderator: Cui yu 13:30-14:30 **Jason Vincent A. Cabañes** | Glocal intimacies: Global South theorising about mobile mediated relationships 14:30-15:30 **Tom McDonald** | Liquid Communities: NFT markets, mobile methods and communication 15:40-18:00 CMU & INS Graduate Forum **Binglin Ren**|Fu Zan's Gaming Odyssey: Decoding China’s Computer Culture through Joystick **Xu Ke**|The Global South Under Digital Colonialism: Disappeared Social Media and China's Revelations **Jiang Yizhu, Li Chengjin**|Innovation or Counterfeit? Rethinking the Transformation of “Shanzhai” **Jiaxin Han, Zhaoxiang Tong**|"No fighting, no Longhua", field research at Longhua Bus Station **CMU groups** **Discussion** ## November 9th ### Panel 3 : Societal Media(社会性媒介) Moderator: Mara 9:00-10:00 **Sara Liao** | Digital Activism and the Populist Surge of the Men’s Rights Movement 10:00-11:00 **Cheryll Soriano** | Platforms, labor, and brokerage dynamics 11:00-12:00 **Patchanee Malikhao** | The impact of Social Media on Thai Buddhism and Vice Versa ### Panel 4 : New Terrains (新地形) Moderator: Yisi Liu 13:30-14:30 **Saskia Witteborn** | Web3 and Blockchain Gaming: A Southern Perspective 14:30-15:30 **Payal Arora** | Debiasing Data to build Inclusive Technologies (online) 15:30-16:30 **Zhu Feida** | When AI meets Web3 for Sustainable Digital Economy 16:30-17:30 **Anukul Tamprasirt** | Digital Economy 3.0 evolution of disruption 17:30~ Farewell Party ## Introduction of the Speakers https://codimd.caa-ins.org/cWNmG-fySAWZlxMXdbn33A?view ## Co-hoster and Facilitators Co-hostesr: 1. International College of Digital Innovation (ICDI) https://icdi.cmu.ac.th/ The International College of Digital Innovation (ICDI), affiliated with Chiang Mai University, aims to become a leading entrepreneurial college in the ASEAN region for knowledge development in the fields of digital innovation and financial technology. International College of Digital Innovation (ICDI):国际数字创新学院(ICDI)隶属于清迈大学,旨在成为东盟地区数字创新与金融科技领域知识开发的领先创业学院。 2. Chiangmai University Blockchain Association (CMUBA) https://cmuba.notion.site/ Chiang Mai University Blockchain Association (CMUBA): The Chiang Mai University Blockchain Association (CMUBA) is an organization dedicated to nurturing talents with in-depth understanding and practical abilities in blockchain technology. Its mission is to enhance the well-being of the Asian region through the application of blockchain technology. Chiang Mai University Blockchain Association (CMUBA):清迈大学区块链协会(CMUBA)是一个专注于培养对区块链技术有深入理解和实践能力的人才的组织,其使命是通过区块链技术的应用来改善亚洲地区的福祉。 Facilitators: 1. Global Chinese Community of Universal Digital Commons (GCC) https://www.gccofficial.org/ Established in 2023 summer, GCC is the first Non-profit Web3 foundation focused on supporting and funding public goods and open source projects within the Global Chinese Community. 成立于2023夏,GCC是首个专注于在华语社区捐赠公共物品和开源项目的非营利性Web3公益基金。 2. 4Seas https://www.4seas.io/ 4Seas is a Chiang Mai-based crypto community founded by overseas Chinese nomads, aiming to build an entrepreneurial society.4Seas aspires to create an experimental platform for exploring and innovating governance, identity, and sustainable economic systems. 4Seas:4Seas 是由海外游牧华人创立的,建设初创社会的清迈在地加密社区。4Seas 希望打造一个探索和创新治理、身份认同及可持续经济系统的实验平台。 ## Recommanded events 比如4seas的活动 eth devcon ICDI: https://icdi.cmu.ac.th/News/ComingUp.aspx CMUBA: 4Seas:https://4seas.notion.site/Pop-up-City-Season-ca8469aadc264b039846498fc88f49e0 GCC:https://www.gccofficial.org/project ## participation stream platform slido bilibili youtube qrcode CS Building Location: RX33+G26, Tambon Su Thep, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Department+Of+Computer+Science/@18.8037895,98.942242,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x30da3a6986a44d33:0x26567f48ad5789ee!8m2!3d18.8037898!4d98.9525203!16s%2Fg%2F11b6nqphdy?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D Popup city location: 4Seas Nimman, 2 20 Nimmana Haeminda Rd Lane 15, Tambon Su Thep, Chiang Mai 50200 泰国 https://maps.app.goo.gl/exSJA61d9KB6uX9P6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy