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# 2021秋 (網絡時代的)文化研究導論 :::info **上課時間**:10/13開始,每週三下午兩點開始,視體力與精神時間機動調整。以下列課程安排的時間為主,會隨時更新。 **上課地點**:線下INS辦公室| discord, state talk頻道語音直播 https://discord.gg/MfJZw5KGxc **課程目標**:将傳統文化研究理論與當代網絡社會新興經驗/理論做對比,並解決其中主要爭論:1)文化研究歷後現代與多元主義後,還能有何作用?2)如何面對網絡世代暴增的文化表意行動做出分析,而非解釋?3)在網絡技術的當今,我們該如何重新建立文化─社會─行動的有效關連,亦即在網絡勞工與網絡國家間,網絡文化研究可能或應該是什麼?這堂課的名字也可以稱為**網絡時代的文化研究導論**。所有讀本的安排都是刻意與主觀的,體會在理論歷史中思考一致與矛盾之處。 **課程安排**:閱讀必讀文本,討論。以seminar的方式進行。 ::: ## 第一週 什麼是文化?什麼是文化研究? 10/13 required readings 1. 泰瑞‧依格頓(2002)《文化的理念》,林志忠譯。台北:巨流。前三章 [Duohan](https://www) 2. Terry Eagleton ,Literature Thoery: An Introduction.(有中譯本,二十世紀西方文學理論,20076) * 🔗 [Genny](https://www.yuque.com/docs/share/8fc76c2a-fc9d-4e72-9c65-85a392a98e28?#) 4. 夏鑄九(1995),由經修飾的阿圖塞主義到政治批評:泰雷•伊格頓及其他, 《理論建築》, p192-221 [Duohan](https://www) 5. Terry Eagleton (2005). 《理論之後》(After Theory). 台北, 商週. * 🔗[zhuyan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/Hy7Ls7XBt) 6. Stall Hall (1992) "Cultural Studies and its Theoretical Legacies". in Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paula Treichler eds. ***Cultural Studies***. London: Rutledge.  pp277-294.[中譯](https://www.aisixiang.com/data/96433.html) * 🔗 [Genny](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/auHwcS0pSMe4EM2az1M3bA?view) recommended readings * Raymond Williams. ***Keywords : a vocabulary of culture and society*** . Rev. ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. (有中譯) * Graeme Turner(1998)唐維敏譯《英國文化研究導論》。(British culture studies- An Introduction, 2nd ed)。臺北:亞太圖書,1998。 * 陳光興著,唐維敏譯(1998), 《文化研究:霍爾訪談錄》(Cultural studies: dialogues with Stuart Hall)台北:元尊文化。 * Antonio Gramsci (1971),文化與意識型態霸權。 《文化社會學》,台北:立緒。pp63-74 * 陳光興(1994),文化研究在英國的歷史變動軌跡,收於唐維敏等譯《文化、社會與媒體:批判性觀點》, pp. v-xxii.,台北:遠流。 * 陳光興(2000),文化研究在台灣到底意味著什麼?,收於陳光興編《文化研究在台灣》, pp.7-25,台北:巨流。 * Connor, Steven. (2000). "Cultural Sociology and Cultural Sciences," in Bryan S. Turner (ed.), ***The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory*** (2nd ed.)(pp. 352-385). Oxford: Blackwell. * 李有成(2002),〈階級、文化物質主義與文化研究〉,收於張漢良編《方法:文學的路》(pp. 15-32),台北:國立台灣大學出版中心。 * Andrew Tudor(1999) Decoding Culture- Theory and Method in Cultural Cultural Studies, London:Sage * 吳潛誠編(1998)《文化與社會》,臺北:立緒 * 陳光興(2006)《去帝國:亞洲作為方法》,臺北:行人出版社 * 陳光興(2005)《連帶批判:2005年亞洲華人文化論壇》,臺北:台灣社會研究季刊 * Williams, Raymond (1977), ***Marxism and Literature***.Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp75-100(有中譯本) * Antonio Gramsci (1971),〈文化與意識型態霸權〉。《文化社會學》,台北:立緒。pp63-74 * Hall, Stuart. (1980). “Cultural studies: two paradigms”, ***Media, Culture and Society***, 2: 57-72.(中譯:孟登迎譯,(2000),文化研究:兩種範式,收於羅鋼、劉象愚主編《文化研究讀本》(pp. 51-65),北京:中國社會科學出版社。) * Clifford Geertz(1977),The Interpretation of Culture. Basic Books. (有簡體中譯,文化的解释译林出版社) * Raymond Williams (1989) 《文化與社會:一七八零年至一九五零年英國文化觀念之發展》,彭淮棟譯,台北:聯經出版社 * Jurgen Habermas: The French Path to Postmodernity: Bataille between Eroticism and General Economics. ***In Bataille: A Critical Reader***. Pp167-19 ## 第二週 文化的生產 生產的文化 (上)10/20 required readings 1. du Gay, Paul, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Hugh Mackay, and Keith Negus. (1997). ***Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman***. London: Sage.(有中譯本)—— 🔗[房子](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/Mu6IMhQaSziTyZ0OVbVWdQ) 2. Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer (1944/1979) “ The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” in ***Dialectic of Enlightenment***, London:Verso(有中譯)[原文連結](http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm)——🔗[弘毅](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/QG-kZ020Rjezk6o8IubZjg?view#) * 阿多諾|[文化工業再思考 ](https://ptext.nju.edu.cn/bb/f3/c13339a441331/page.htm) * Bernard Stigler《技術與時間》3 書中第三章 p106-176. 4. Water Benjamin (1978), “The Author as Producer” in ***Reflections***. Edited by Peter Demetz. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, INC. pp220 [原文連結](https://monoskop.org/images/9/93/Benjamin_Walter_1934_1999_The_Author_as_Producer.pdf) 🔗[地球](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/Xz0QvTwGTCyqUhccA-gVTA?both) 5. Water Benjamin (1955), 〈機器複製時代的藝術作品〉,收錄於漢娜‧阿倫特編,《啟迪─本雅明文選》,牛津大學出版社  [原文連結](http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm)——[小汤](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/bP4th3mTSSyHFkpBW-zEDQ) 7. recommand reading * Grossberg, Lawrence (1997). “Replacing Popular Culture”. ***The Clubcultures Reader***. Steve Redhead, Derek Wynne and Justin O'Connor. London, Blackwell:217-236. * F. R. Jameson (2004) 〈大眾文化的具體化與烏托邦〉收錄於王振逢編《文化研究和政治意識》詹姆遜文集第三卷,北京:中國人民大學出版社。pp.52-84 * F. R. Jameson (2004) 〈當代大眾文化中的階級與寓言〉收錄於王振逢編《文化研究和政治意識》詹姆遜文集第三卷,北京:中國人民大學出版社。pp.85-113 * 董啟章(1999)《The Catalog》香港:三人出版社 * Negus, Keith. (1997). “The production of culture”, in Pai;. du Gay (ed.), ***Production of Culture/Cultures of Production*** (pp. 67-118). London: Sage. (有中譯本) * Braham, Peter. (1997). “Fashion: unpacking a cultural production”, in Paul. du Gay (ed.), ***Production of Culture/Cultures of Production*** (pp. 119-176). London: Sage. ## 第三週 文化的生產 生產的文化(中)10/27 required readings 1. Thompson, E. P. (1963/1980). ***The Making of the English Working Class***. London: Penguin Books.(賈士蘅譯,(2001),《英國工人階級的形成》,上下兩冊,台北:麥田出版社。) [彬发](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/OJqRIUGiRwWI7Wg9lQ29ew?view) recommend readings * 齊格蒙特鲍曼(2009)《作為實踐的文化》,北京大學出版社 * Lawrence Grossberg (2006) 文化研究之罪,收於《文化研究精粹讀本》,陶東風編,北京:中國人民大學出版社,pp.120-132 * Thompson, E. P. late show https://youtu.be/s2CN3BerJdU * Rear Window: A Life of Dissent - The Life and Work of E. P. Thompsond https://youtu.be/eirT8D28bTk * An Interview With E. P. Thompson - Radical History Review Fall 1976 https://www.scribd.com/document/342455950/An-Interview-With-E-P-Thompson-Radical-History-Review-Fall-1976-12 ## 第四週 文化的生產 生產的文化(下)11/2 required readings 1. Paul E. Willis(1981)***Learning to Labor***, Columbia University Press; Morningside Ed edition (有中譯本)[彬发](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/ngg87yZrS0SytMuU22VSQA?view) 2. Wendy Chun(2017),***Updating to remain the same : habitual new media***. MIT Press https://b-ok.org/book/11235647/74c109—— [xiaotang](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/XRlBumNcT2KGi_xW0ajpmw) [铎瀚](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/fSsgRf1VT962flak3JyMMw#) recommanded reading * Awad Ibrahim and Shirley R. Steinberg ed. (2014), CRITICAL YOUTH STUDIESREADER. Peter Lang * An Interview with Paul Willis: Commodification, Resistance and Reproduction https://www.dropbox.com/s/kd5esoyovjd6fpt/1368431009106205.pdf?dl=0 * Paul Willis - Socio symbolic analysis and homology https://youtu.be/4kimNgCwUCk * Wendy Chun | Governing through Homophily: Network Science as Segregation https://www.caa-ins.org/archives/1258 * Paul Wills (1997) 〈男子氣概與工廠勞動的關係〉,收於《文化社會學》,台北:立緒。pp230-248 * Paul Wills (1990), ***Common Culture***, Open University Press ## 第五週 再現、他者與展覽的政治學 11/9 19:00~ required readings 1. Hall, Stuart. (1997). “The work of representation”, in S. Hall (ed.), ***Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices*** (pp. 13-74). London: Sage.(有中譯版,《表徵:文化表象與意指實踐》,2003, 北京:商務圖書——🔗[房子](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/23nXRWj2ReqND58y_lwMGQ?edit) 2. Lidchi, Henrietta. (1997). “The poetics and the politics of exhibiting other cultures”, in S. Hall (ed.), ***Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices*** (pp. 151-222). London: Sage.(有中譯)[梯猴](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/9k8F3HT-RjuFNcM-cK1fHg?both) 3. Hall, Stuart. (1997). “The spectacle of the ‘other’ ”, in S. Hall (ed.), ***Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices*** (pp. 223-290). London: Sage.(有中譯本)——🔗[房子](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/23nXRWj2ReqND58y_lwMGQ?edit) 4. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (1988) ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ In __Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture.__ Eds. Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, pp. 271-316. [原文連結](http://ignorantisimo.free.fr/CELA/docs/mirrorMyHarvardRabasa/Rabasa218/reader/Gayatri%20Chakravorty%20Spivak/Spivak.Can_the_subaltern_speak.pdf)(有關作者介紹)&[文章原文 ](http://www.bahaistudies.net/neurelitism/library/subaltern_speak.pdf)[常兰🔗](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/SJYnNc8UF) recommanded reading * 吉田俊哉(2005)《博覽會的政治學》,台北:群學 * Guha, Ranajit (1988) “Preface,’ ‘On Some Aspects of the Historiography of Colonial India,’ ‘A note on the terms “elite”, “people”, “subaltern”, etc. as used above.’ In ***Selected Subaltern Studies***. Eds. Ranajit Guha & Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 36-44. Also extracts from ‘The Prose of Counter-Insurgency,’ pp. 45-88. * [劉健芝│劉健芝談斯皮瓦克:什麼是「庶民研究」?](https://www.newinternationalism.net/?p=6216) * [張君玫:小販可以發言嗎?從 Spivak 看行動的雙面刃](https://theinitium.com/article/20160213-opinion-spivak/) ## 第六週 信息論與媒體生態學(上) 11/17 required readings 1. C. E. SHANNON, A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Reprinted with correctionsfrom The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 379–423, 623–656, July, October,1948."🔗 [弘毅](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/rSYlFPltS9eb_twAu-zQYw?view) 2. James Gleick (2013), 《信息简史》,⼈⺠邮电出版社, The Information: A History, ATheory, A Flood." 🔗 [Genny](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/S1H0ho2vF) 3. Eric. S, Raymond. 《⼤教堂与市集》,机械⼯业出版社,2014 . The Cathedral and the Bazaar,first write in 1997, book was released under the Open Publication License v2.0 in 1999.🔗[彬发](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/XwkYRewwSUecRPapnUIijw?view) recommanded readings * Matthew Fuller ed. ***Soft Studies/a Lexicon***. The MIT Press * Nicholas Negroponte, 1995, Being Digital, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 簡體中⽂版,胡泳等譯,《數字化⽣存》20週年紀念版,2016,電⼦⼯業出版社 * 胡泳,《⿊客电脑时代的⽜仔》,北京:⼈⺠⼤學,1997 * Pekka Himanen, 《駭客倫理與資訊時代精神》 (The hacker ethic, and the spirit of the information age) Pekka Himanen . 台北:⼤塊⽂化。2002。简体中⽂版《⿊客伦理与讯息时代精神》 * Steven Webero(2004),***The success of open source***, HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS * Steven Levy 著、Jedi & Pluto 譯, 《⿊客列傳-電腦⾰命俠客誌-25 週年紀念版》 (Hackers:Heroes of the Computer Revolution - 25th Anniversary Edition) 台北:O’Reilly, 2012。簡體版《⿊客-计算机⾰命的英雄》,機械⼯業出版社 2011年。 * 香农传纪录片 https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss34520?theme=movie * 吉米·索尼(2019), 香农传,中信出版社 ## 第七週 信息論與媒體生態學(中) 11/24 required readings 1. ⿆克魯漢《理解媒介:論⼈的延伸》,簡體中⽂(55周年增訂本)2019,譯林出版社。第⼀個簡體中⽂出版在1992年,四川出版社。2000商務書館,2011三版,2018年四版。Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, The MIT Press; Reprint (1994年10⽉20⽇)" 🔗[zhuyan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/r1AjP5v_F) 3. Marshall McLuhan(1962), The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division(中译:谷登堡星汉璀璨:印刷文明的诞生,2014,北京理工大学出版社)🔗[zhuyan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/r1AjP5v_F) recommanded readings * Clay Shirky, 2019, 《知識盈餘:⾃由時間的⼒量》, 北京聯合出版社. Cognitive Surplus:Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age. Penguin Books. 2010" * Clay Shirky (2015), 《⼈⼈時代:無組織的組織⼒量》,浙江⼈⺠出版社。 "Clay Shirky (2009),Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations.Penguin Books;Reprint Edition (February 24, 2009 * ⿆克魯漢(2004) 《機器新娘:⼯業⼈的⺠俗》。中國⼈⺠出版社 * Matthew Fuller (2019) 《媒介⽣態學:藝術與技術⽂化中的物質能量》,上海科學社會出版社 * Lev Manovich(2001), The Language of New Media. The MIT Press * 尼爾波斯曼三部曲 🔗[zhuyan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/r1AjP5v_F) * 技術壟斷(2019) 中信出版集團 * 童年的消逝(2015) 社科⽂化 * 娛樂⾄死(2015)社科⽂化 ## 第八週 信息論與媒體生態學(下) 12/01 required readings 1. Jussi Parikka(2012), ***What is Media Archaeology?*** Polity.(有中译本) [Duohan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/rFx-NRL4T8Gqqw7j2VyKNw#) 2. ⻋致新. 《媒介技术话语的谱系: 基特勒思想研究》 [M]. 北京⼤学出版社, 2019."[小汤](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/JHPW2z_7S_WuiGOoV8bssw) 3. 基特勒(2017) 《留聲機、電影、打字機》,復旦⼤學出版社[小汤](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/iDHmh5K9QXSBR3MUVzKP_g) 4. Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker, and McKenzie Wark《逐出:媒体与中介三问》(Excommunication: Three Inquiries in Media and Mediation),芝加哥,芝加哥大学出版社,2014。 [Duohan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/z1KeaK1pTm6Ds3pL82ju5g#) recommand readings * Friedrich Kittler(1990), ***Discourse Networks 1800/1900***. Stanford University Press * Siegfried Zielinski,***After the Media: News from the Slow-fading Twentieth Century***,Univocal Publishing,2013年。 * 安德魯基恩 《數字暈眩》,2013,全國百佳圖書出版出版社。Andrew Keen. 2012, ***Digital Vertigo: How Today’s Online Social Revolution Is Dividing, Diminishing, and Disorienting Us***. St. Martin’s Press (May 22, 2012) * 胡泳《数字位移:重新思考数字化》中国⼈⺠⼤学出版社,2020 * McKenzie Wark(2004) ***A Hacker Manifesto***. Harvard University Press * McKenzie Wark(2019) ***The Capital is Dead****. Verso Book * Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker(2007), ***The exploit: a theory of networks***. University of Minnesota Press [夺铎堕](https://www) * Mauel Castells (2009) ***Communication Power***. Oxford * 何謂媒介考古學? https://oshichang.com/%E5%AA%92%E4%BB%8B%E8%80%83%E5%8F%A4%E5%AD%A6/ * ## 第九週 控制論與控制論實驗 12/28 required readings 1. Norbert Wiener(2010), 人有人的用处:控制论与社会. 北京:北京大学出版社. ***The Human Use of Human Beings, Cybernetics and Society***[彬发](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/SvHrGAPaRKKC8rxdNS2LfQ?view) 2. Norbert Wiener(2007), 控制论:或关于在动物和机器中控制和通信的科学, 北京大学出版社[彬发](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/SvHrGAPaRKKC8rxdNS2LfQ?view) 3. Eden Medina(2020), 控制论革命者:阿莲德时代智利的技术与政治,华东师范大学出版社。🔗 [genny](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/BJNokLYjY) recommenaded readings * 隱形委員會(2018)致我們的朋友: 資本主義反抗宣言. 台北:行人出版社 ## 第十週 符號學與符号資本主义 2022/01/05 required readings 1. Barthes, Roland. (1970). ***Writing degree zero, and Elements of semiology***. Boston,: Beacon Press. [🔗genny](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/S1Zb7YMhF) 2. Franco 'Bifo' Berardi(2009), ***Precarious Rhapsody: Semocapitalism and the Pathologies of Post-alpha Generation***. Minor Compositions([述轩](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/UqC0KSDaT-eUH122WGSMng)) recommanded readings * Barthes, Roland. (1972). ***Mythologies***. New York,: Hill and Wang. [🔗genny](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/S1Zb7YMhF) * arthes, Roland. (1979). ***The Eiffel Tower, and other mythologies*** (1st American ed.). New York: Hill and Wang. * Barthes, Roland, & Howard, Richard. (1982). ***Empire of signs***. New York: Hill and Wang. * Barthes, Roland. (1990). ***The fashion system***. Berkeley: University of California Press. * Berardi, Franco. (2019). ***The second coming***. Cambridge ; Medford, MA: Polity Press. * Berardi, Franco. (2015). ***Heroes:mass murder and suicide***. London ; New York: Verso.(有中译) ## 第十一週 部落時代、社交媒體、平台資本主義 required readings 1. Maffesoli, Michel. (1996). ***The Time of The Tribes***. London: SAGE. 2. 基尔特·洛文克(2019),社交媒体深渊,中國美院網絡社會研究所/重慶大學出版社🔗[弘毅](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/7AHeZGaDQIeerLbGhI_6wg?view) 3. Nick Smiecek(2018), 《平台資本主義》,廣東⼈⺠出版社 [悄悄](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/A5PSHnWzRiWxZ80Y_CdFcg?both) recommanded readings * MIKE MASNICK(2019), Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech.https://knightcolumbia.org/content/protocols-not-platforms-a-technological-approach-to-free-speech * Nishant Shah, When Machines Speak to Each Other: Unpacking the “Social” in “Social Media” 《Social Media + Society》 April-June 2015: 1–3 * Andy Carvin(2013)遙遠的目擊者:阿拉伯之春紀事.新北市:立緒文化. Distant witness : social media, the Arab spring and a Journalism revolution * Nishang Shah (2015). When Machines Speak to Each Other: Unpacking the “Social” in “Social Media”. ***Social Media + SocietyApril***-June 2015: 1 –3© The Author(s) 2015 DOI: 10.1177/056305115580338S * Eugene Wei, Status as a Service (StaaS) , https://www.eugenewei.com/blog/2019/2/19/status-as-a-service * Zuboff, S. (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power: Barack Obama’s Books of 2019: Profile. 繁體中⽂版 《監控資本主義時代》,台北:時報出版,2020" * 胡泳 王俊秀編(2018),《後機器時代》,中信出版集團 * 〈外卖骑⼿,困在系统⾥〉 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Mes1RqIOdp48CMw4pXTwXw * 〈數字勞⼯與下⼀代互聯網〉《熱⾵學術》2019 年 3 ⽉ 春季刊 * 〈知识劳⼯、身份认同与传播实践 —— 理解中国 IT 程序员〉 《熱⾵學術》2019 年 3 ⽉ 春季刊 ## 第十二週 後殖民 required readings 1. Said, Edward W. (1993). ***Culture and imperialism*** (1st ed.). New York: Knopf : Distributed by Random House.(中文版,《文化與帝國主義》,臺北:立緒. 導論,I & IV [述轩](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/xZ_FMuPkTRWPLlqciZBsSA?both) 2. Said, Edward W. (1978). ***Orientalism*** (1st Vintage Books ed.). New York: Vintage.(《東方主義》,台北:立緒。pp1-40; pp41-69; pp413-492;後記) * 🔗 [Genny](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/rJvDX8ATY) 3. Fanon, Frantz. (1967). ***Black Skin White Masks*** (Charles Lam Markmann, Trans.). NY: Grove Press.(中文繁體,《黑皮膚,白面具》,臺北:心靈工坊)! [翠玉](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/RXsQkfXVTXqn93lKntqCiw?both) 4. Partha Chatterjee (2000)〈民主和國家暴力:一個死亡的交涉〉, in 陳光興編《發現政治社會─現代性、國家暴力與後殖民民主》,台北:巨流。 pp91-116. [翠玉](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/DBQzlip5R8Sn70MBsEPnPA?edit) 5. Donna J. Haraway, ***Simians, cyborgs, and women : the reinvention of nature***. New York: Routledge.(簡體中文不可讀,繁體版,猿猴、賽伯格和女人:重新發明自然,群學出版)特別讀讀其中的A Cyborg Manifesto. [Duohan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/TP31P8CVTE-pRAvWb_nCnQ#) recommanded readings * Chatterjee, Partha. (2004). ***The politics of the governed : reflections on popular politics in most of the world***. New York: Columbia University Press. * 陈光兴:现代性、国家暴力、与后殖民民主:简介 PARTHA CHATTERJEE 及其「政治社会」http://wen.org.cn/modules/article/view.article.php/1820 * 黃孫權,A Response to Partha Chatterjee’s “ EMPIRE AND NATION IN POPULAR CULTURE: THE CASE OF FOOTBALL”,https://www.heterotopias.org/archives/1107 * John Perry Barlow, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace”(《赛博空间独⽴宣 ⾔》)http://www.ideobook.com/38/declaration-independence-cyberspace/ * 项飚(2012):《全球“猎身”:世界信息产业和印度的技术劳⼯》(王迪译), 北京:北京⼤学出版社。 ## 第十三周 (摇滚与流行的)音乐论述分析 required readings 1. Grossberg, Lawrence (1992). Another Boring Day in Paradise - A Rock Formation., ***We Gotta Get Out of this Place - Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture***. New York, Routledge: 131-239.[张晋珲](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/r0PAE6QXTB-23SWNSooiUQ?view) 2. Greil Marcus(1990),***Lipstick Traces:A Secret History of the Twentieth Century***, Harvard University Press.[夺铎堕](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/bO4lPfokSHKyY-bKTaO3MQ#) 3. Pinch, T. J., & Trocco, Frank. (2002). ***Analog days : the invention and impact of the Moog synthesizer***. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.([述轩](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/VvGKNOHWRtiDrLMf_vp3lQ?edit)) recommanded readings * Padel, Ruth (2006). 《搖滾神話學》(I'm your man: Sex, Gods and Rock 'n' Roll). 台北, 商週. * 蘇珊‧麥克拉蕊(Susan McClary) (2003)《陰性終止》,台北:商週 * 何東洪、張釗維(2000)〈戰後台灣「國語唱片工業」與音樂文化的發展軌跡─ 一個徵兆性的考察〉,收錄於收錄於張笠雲編《文化產業─文化生產的結構分析》,台北:遠流。Pp.149-224 * Attali, Jacques (1995). 《噪音:音樂的政治經濟學》. 台北, 時報文化. * Bennett, Andy (2004). 《流行音樂的文化》. 台北, 書林. * 簡妙如 (2002). 《流行文化,美學,現代性:以八、九○年代台灣流行音樂的歷史重構為例》. 新聞系. 台北, 國立政治大學. 博士論文. * Frith, Simon (1978). The Sociology of Rock. London, Constable.(有中譯) * Frith, Simon (1981). Sound Effects: youth, leisure, and the politics of rock'n'roll***. New York, Pantheon Books. * Frith, Simon (1988). ***Music for pleasure : essays in the sociology of pop***. Cambridge,Polity Press in association with Basil Blackwell Oxford. * Frith, Simon (1992). "The Cultural Study of Popular Music" in ***Cultural Studies***. Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson and Paula A. Treichler. London, Routledge**:174-186. * 高宣揚(2006),〈流行文化與音樂〉,《流行文化社會學》, pp.152-200,中國人民大學 * 張釗維(1994)《誰在那邊唱自己的歌︰一九七○年代台灣現代民歌發展史:建制、正當性論述與表現形式的形構》,台北:時報。 * Simon Frith、Will Straw、John Street(2005)《劍橋大學搖滾與流行樂讀本》,蔡佩君、張志宇譯,台北:商週 * 克雷格.歐哈拉(Craig OHara)(2005)《龐克哲學》,張釗維譯,台北:商週 * 安德麗雅‧朱諾(Andrea Juno)(2005)《怒女》,台北:商週 二版 * 王逢振編(1999)《搖滾與文化》,天津社會科學院出版社 * Peter Wicke (2000)《搖滾樂的再思考》,台北:揚智 * 沈睡(2004)《廢墟之花》,北京:中國青年出版社 * 顏峻(2005)《燃燒的噪音:當代中國地下音樂評集》,台北:破週報 * 郝舫(2003)《傷花怒放:搖滾的被縛與抗爭》,江蘇人民出版社 * Collin, Mathew and John Godfrey (2002). 《迷幻異域:快樂丸與青年文化的故事》.台北, 商周. * Simon Reynolds (1997) “Rave Culture: Living Dream or Living Death?” in ***The Clubcultures Reader***, edited by Steve Redhead. Pp.102-111. London: Routeledge * Marek Kohn (1997) “Cocaine Girls” in __The Clubcultures Reader__, edited by Steve Redhead. Pp.137-147. London: Routeledge * Reynolds, Simon (1998). Generation ecstasy : into the world of techno and rave culture. Boston, Little Brown * Reynolds, Simon (1998) ***Energy Flash***. Picador * 哈利‧夏畢洛(2007)《等待藥頭》,台北:商週 * Ben Malbon (1998), "The club: Clubbing; Consumption, Identity and the Spatial Practices of Every-Night Life". in Tracy Skelton & Gill Valentine eds. ***Cool Place: Geographies of Youth Cultures***. London: Routledge. Pp.266-288. * George, Nelson (2002). 《嘻哈美國》(Hip Hop America). 台北, 商周. * Alonzo Westbrook(2006)《嘻哈黑話字典》,台北:商週 * Abdoulaye Niang (2006), "Bboys, Hip-hop Culture in Dakar, S’en’gal". in ***Global Youth? Hybrid identities, plural worlds***. Edited  by Pam Nilan and Carles Feixa. London: Routledge. Pp.167-185. * Dick Hebdige (1990) ***Cut ‘n’ Mix***. London:Rouledge. ## 第十三週 品味與美學:藝術社會學觀點 required readings 1. Bourdieu Pierre(1987). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Harvard University Press.(有中譯) - Introduction 1- 11([述轩](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/g2S32tdTSCCdYOhMFEAhHQ)) - 1.The Aristocracy of Culture 11-17;([娄天裕](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/BSzAoKuGRkm5ljQJO94Fsw?edit)) -  3.The Habitus and the space of  Life-Styles 196-225 ([许丹玲](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/3ClXR7j3ROCMYeAL2QxKaQ?both)) -  5 The Sense of Distinction 260-266 ([娄天裕](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/qXuiFcCtTQyYf50GOInzCg?view)) - The Modes of Appropriation of the Work of Art 267-282 ([宋健骅](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/FCkspo-rTCiP1ACRtSf8Pg?view)) 2. Bourdieu (1996), The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. Stanford University Press. pp.47-173.(有中譯)🔗[nanxi](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/zzcg4R4dQ0qE_zNkhjdHrQ?both) 3. Baudelaire(2010), The Painter of Modern Life and other Essay. Phaidon Press. chapter 1,2 🔗[nanxi](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/ZXCOiIcKQb-sCu1pfurQgQ) 4. T J Clark (1973)  On the Social History of Art, in __Image of the People__. pp9-20 [Duohan](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/FuukeqHaStCL02VfyzWB0A?view) 5. T.J. Clark(1999)__The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and his Followers__, London: Thames and Hudson, - Introduction - The Environs of Paries - A Bar at the Folies-Bergere * 🔗 [Genny](https://codimd.caa-ins.org/s/HkbRoSVb9)